Tuesday was a pretty blustery day, leaves were blown off trees and are piling up along the side walks. On a walk with Charlie and Jacob I decided to pick up a bunch of beautiful, huge leaves. Thank you Mother Nature for your generosity and timing. An idea was born!
Mantle Wreath:
Using a $1 store wreath I had tucked away for future use, I hot glued the leaves on to the wreath. That's it. Seriously, that's it. Using the $1 wreath I already had, leaves donated from the gutter and side walk, one stick of hot glue and I myself a wreath.
I love twine; it's just so versatile. you never know when you might need it. Today was the day. I took my trusty hot glue gun and glued a few leaves to the twine and hung it across the mirror in my living room. Can you say free? Spell it with me, F-R-E-E. Does it get better? Yes, indeed it does. Also in this picture is my good old vase that is now adorned with the fall florals I picked up at -where esle? The $1 store a few week back. In addition to that, I have leftover pumpkins that were given to me by Jacob's school.
I am no where near done, but I was pretty stoked to share what I have so far. All for about $5 and using the gifts that Mother Nature gave us. That being said, the wreath and the garland are fragile. I will not be able to save them for next year. But who cares, right?! Free supplies rule!