Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pre-School, Here We Come!

Jacob started preschool this week and his birthday is next week.  It is hard to believe that little 7lb 10oz baby boy is so grown up! Good thing we have another one on the way to appease my need to snuggle all the time! Despite my disbelief that my son is old enough to attend preschool, I was very excited for him.  I wanted to make his first first day of school picture one to remember.  I spent many hours contemplating and day dreaming about what his pictures would look like, but it wasn't until the eleventh hour that I decided to put any plan into action.  That is where Walmart and Jacob's art supply come into play...

My inspiration for this project came from, courtesy of  Check both websites out - they are great! Here is what the free printable looked like:
Thank you Telisa for your great design!

It was too late to have a sign printed, so I began to think of Plan B.  I found a two pack of canvases at Wally World and raided Jacob's paint supplies.  You know the ones I rarely let him use because I am too afraid he'll mix all the colors together and ruin all the fun for me future paintings. A two pack was perfect because Jacob's best buddy was coming over before school to take pictures together.  If they turned out good I was excited to make one for ourselves and give the other one to Caden. 

Here is is... Jacob's first day of school ever pictures:

*If you would like to take advantage of the free printables you can find grades P - 12 here:

They say imitation is the best form of flattery. I think I did a pretty decent job!  Leave a comment and let me know what you think of my last minute project?

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